Work two strands together throughout.
Cast on in multiples of 3 sts + 1 + 2 edge sts.
Row 1 (on wrong side) and Row 3: P across.
Row 2: K1 (edge st), K1, * yo, K3, pass the first st knitted over the last 2 *, repeat from * to * ending with K1 (edge st).
Row 4: K1 (edge st), * K3, pass the first st knitted over the last 2, yo *, repeat from * to * ending as foll: K3, pass the first st knitted over the last 2, then K1 and K1 (edge st).
Row 5: P1 (edge st), P1, INCREASE 1 st by purling the yarn between the last st made and next st, then P to end.
Repeat rows 2 to 5 for a total of 4 rows to be repeated to desired length.